For all the sons of Levi...... (Exodus 32 verse 26)
Just an article from an interesting site called Into Truth.
There are two areas in which discerning Christians are being tested right now, and judging by the letters I receive, these two areas are causing almost as many problems as the deception itself.
These two problems are REJECTION by friends, family and other Christians; and EXPULSION from local churches - that is, people being forced to leave, or feeling they have to leave, their church.
But these things should not come as a surprise. The Bible clearly warns that we will be rejected, or even betrayed, by all those who do not stand with us in the strict truth of God’s Word. All who follow the Lord Jesus will be persecuted, just as He was - Jesus said that all nations would HATE us, and that family splits and antagonism of all kinds was to be expected if we decide to follow Him to the end.
But we are human - and rejection hurts. We also feel puzzled that others can’t understand our position. There is a veil of blindness descending over the eyes of those who reject the truth. They not only fail to see what we are saying, but accuse us unjustly of all kinds of things. What should be our reaction?
Look at Jesus. He was spurned by all, even his closest friends, and it was one of his close band of followers who betrayed Him to His death. Yet, He was full of compassion for others, and forgiveness towards his enemies.
Only forgiveness heals the wounds of rejection. Bearing a grudge, getting revenge, sulking, or brooding will only drive the dart of the enemy deeper into our souls, where it will cause untold damage. The only way to deal with feelings of rejection is to take them to the Lord in prayer, tell Him our grief, ask for healing, and freely forgive those who hurt us. Furthermore, we have to understand that following Jesus has its price. We have to make up our minds that we will endure persecution as Jesus did, without losing our love for others, or falling into depression or anger.
There is always the temptation to feel a sense of guilt when other Christians accuse us. Maybe that is healthy, because we do need to check out every criticism to see if it is actually correct. But beware of accepting a false burden of guilt placed on you by those who are trying to avoid conviction of their sin by making YOU the scapegoat. If you have spoken up for the Lord, and for scriptural truth; if you have stood out against error, then if you are criticised, accept it bravely and refuse to feel guilty. You have done nothing wrong!
Secondly, leaving church causes all sorts of problems for people, especially when there is no alternative fellowship to go to. But the fact is, more and more of us are going to be driven out of churches, or else leave of our own accord because we are unwilling to compromise with error.
But leaving behind the building and the elders you are familiar with does NOT mean you are “leaving the Church”. The “church” is not the building, the denomination or the leadership, but the believers who individually gather together for fellowship. When that fellowship degenerates into something that actually contravenes scripture, it has ceased to be “church”.
Every born-again Christian has been incorporated into the worldwide Body of Christ. That Body is really “the Church” - a group of people who love the Lord and follow Him. Your allegiance is first and foremost to the Lord Jesus Christ, and only secondarily to those set over you in the Body. But many who call themselves shepherds are wolves who love to dominate the flock - they use pressures of guilt and fear to force others to submit to their domination. They tell you not to leave their church, but only because they do not want to lose your slavish obedience to their rule!
You are just as much part of the Body of Christ when you do not regularly attend a local fellowship, as when you do. Indeed, you may actually find yourself closer to God and closer to other local Christians as a result of “leaving Church” because your personal prayerlife improves and you are forced to fellowship more openly with like-minded believers.
If the “church” you left has been preaching errors, and refuses to accept correction, then to stay there will expose you to harm. But scripture commands us to withdraw from those who are openly in error. Also, sitting in a pew or chair for an hour or two on a Sunday morning does not qualify you for more “brownie points” than those who study the Bible and worship just with their families or a few friends. In fact, the quality of fellowship improves ten-fold when the Holy Spirit is in charge, and is being allowed to teach and mould His people once more. (It would be impossible to justify from scripture MOST of the arrangements and practices of established churches, anyway - that may come as a shock to some, but I challenge you to check out the scriptures for yourself!)
The uplifting thing about this problem area is that God seems to be behind it! By calling His remnant people out of false church systems He is forcing them to get to grips with the plain meaning of scripture. People are rediscovering simple worship, homely, close-knit, loving groups that really care for each other, real Bible study that allows everyone to participate, and all the other long-lost (but scriptural) parts of “church” life. God is challenging us all to re-examine our concept of what “church” really is. Did he ever really approve of denominations, church buildings, priestcraft, robes, rites and rituals?
This is a big subject, but I hope these few words will have opened your eyes to a new way of thinking about this difficult area.